Award-winning blogs
Adventure of an unfit mother
Blog narrating the daily adventures of Emma and her family managing their busy life in the Northern Ireland countryside

Lost in London
Blog about the tribulations, discoveries and recommended addresses written (in French) by Fabienne Henry, a French Lady Lost in London
- Fabienne Henry, founder of the l'apero-blog, was voted Most Influencial French Londoner in 2011 (categorie Communaute francaise) - Awards organised by Chez Gerard

A little drop of Cognac
Some "off the wall" musings from the Charente Valley, one of the prettiest part of France. Buried deep in the blog are also some hints & tips on buying property in the area around Cognac & Jarnac
- Best Blog - Blog Awards 2009
- Runner up - Best blog and Best blog post - The Property Blog Awards - 2010

Girls n Gadgets
Girls n Gadgets is an award winning web and technology review site for women, by women. It was founded in March 2009 by Leila Gregory, a self confessed girl geek. Girls n Gadgets covers the latest gadgets, websites, games and technology events
- Highly Commended - Cosmopolitan Blog Awards 2010 - Best Gadget/Tech Blog
- Winner - Computer Weekly - Best SME Blog 2009
- Winner - Computer Weekly - Best Gadget Blog 2010