Public relations — very good companies

Frank PR
Frank PR is one of the UK's leading consumer PR agencies. Founded in 2000, the 75 strong agency has a reputation for providing creative solutions for some of the nation's best-known brands including BlackBerry, Disney, Innocent and Hovis
- PR Agency of the Year 2010 - Marketing Magazine
- Marketing Week Engage Awards 2010: PR Campaign of the Year Finalist
- Frank has been named the Holmes Report European PR Consultancy of the Year three times, and has twice been named the GRAMIA Consumer PR Agency of the Year. Winner or highly commended at The PR Week Awards for Best Consumer PR Campaign 7 times.
- Runner-up - PR Company of the Year 2011 - DB Awards 2011

Twelve Thirty Eight
Public relations consultancy specialising in the generation of high-impact new media, press and broadcast coverage that delivers messages which customers respond to.
- Outstanding small PR consultancy of the year - Chartered Institute of Public Relations CIPR PRide Awards 2008 and 2009
- Shortlisted for the CIPR President’s Grand Prix 2009 and 2010 (Outstanding Small Consultancy)
- Twelve Thirty Eight has won Gold for Low Budget Campaign at the Pride Awards 2013 organised by CIPR.