Award-winning chocolates

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Fine chocolates of the highest quality hand made by award-winning British chocolatier Marc Demarquette using traditional artisan techniques, available online or in his West London Chocolaterie on the Fulham road, Chelsea.

L'Artisan du CHOCOLAT

Artisan of luxury award-winning chocolates with exceptional craftsmanship and individuality

  • Chocolate Academy award winners 2008

William Curley

William and Suzue Curley make a plentiful range of contemporary chocolates, patisserie, cakes, biscuits and ice cream. They have gained experience at at numerous Michelin-starred establishments working with the best chefs

  • William Curley voted best chocolatier 2008 - Academy of Chocolate Awards 2008
  • William & Suzue Curley's chocolates have won 25 Awards across 8 categories at the 2008 Academy of Chocolate Awards, including 9 Gold awards, 9 Silver and 7 Bronze. Winner of 6 Gold and 5 Silver in 2009
  • William Curley's first book in the UK, "Couture Chocolate" awarded Best Chocolate Book in the UK in the Gourmand Awards 2011
  • Sarah Frankland, Head patissier at William Curley has won a 2012 Acorn Award