shooting — very good companies

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Online outdoors retailer offering a wide range of products including outdoors menswear and womenswear, equipment for fly fishing and shooting as well as gifts and a collection for your dog

  • Meet the e-tailing group's Criteria for Excellence in Online Customer Service 2011
  • Multichannel Merchant magazine print awards 2010: Gold Award for the Sporting Goods category (Orvis Hunting Book); Consumer Speciality category (Orvis, The Dog Book) and Apparel category (Orvis, The Sporting Tradition)
  • Gray's Sporting Journal: Gray's Best 2009 in recognition of the year's highest-quality products for the hunting and fishing markets (Helios Fly Fishing Rod)
  • Orvis Helios Fly Fishing Rod was voted "Best of the Best" for 2008 by Field & Stream.
  • Orvis Mach Large Arbor Reel winner of a "Best in Test" award in the October 2006 edition of Trout Fisherman magazine