Very Good Utility Companies

e.on residential uk
E.ON is a major UK utility company, amongst the leading power and gas companies - generating electricity, and retailing power and gas.
- e.on was voted number 1 for overall customer satisfaction in the independent annual Customer Satisfaction Report 2012 (Energy Awards) also runners up for 'Customer service' and 'Most likely to be recommended'.
- E.ON received the Business in the Community’s (BITC) coveted National Big Tick for their Challenge 100, Energy Experience and Green Travel programmes in 2011 - also shortlisted for the overall Example of Excellence in three categories.
- E.ON Central Networks has won the Customer Satisfaction Innovation of the Year award at the UK National Customer Satisfaction Awards 2011.
- E.ON UK, the utility company, were finalist for the ABa Quality Monitoring Customer Focus Award - Large Enterprise - at the UK Customer Satisfaction Awards 2013.
- Eon is ranked in second position for utilities in the 2013 Social Brands 100.